

中村渉. 1990「<内なる外>または<外なる内>:ケネス・バークの弁証法的比喩論」,
  『記号学研究10号』(日本記号学会編)、pp. 61-80, 東京:東海大学出版会
中村渉. 1991「<時空(クロノトポス)論>としての<対話>主義:バフチン理論の射程
  を求めて」, 『記号学研究11号』 (日本記号学会編) pp. 207-219, 東海大学出版会
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "Subjectification and the English Progressive" ,『長谷川欣佑
  教授還暦記念論文集』 (馬場彰他編), pp. 427-439, 東京:研究社
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "Functional Optimality Theory: Evidence from Split Case
  Systems", In Michael Darnell et al. (eds.) Functionalism and Formalism, Volume 2,
  pp.253-276, Amsterdam and Philadelphia; John Benjamins
Wataru Nakamura. 2000. "Psych Verbs and a Typology of Event Structure", In Kan
  Sasaki and Ritsuko Kikusawa (eds.), Modern Approaches to Transitivity, pp.193-
  219, Tokyo: Kurosio
中村渉. 2004.「他動性と構文1:プロトタイプ、拡張、スキーマ」,
  (中村芳久編), pp.169-204, 東京:大修館書店
佐藤滋・堀江薫・中村渉編. 2004.『対照言語学の新展開』東京:ひつじ書房


Wataru Nakamura. 1996 "Case Spreading/Stacking in Korean", Proceedings of the
  1st LFG Conference, pp.310-324.
Wataru Nakamura. 1996. "A Tier-Based Theory of Case Alternations: Evidence from
  Korean", Proceedings of TACL Summer Institute of Linguistics 1996, pp.85-96.
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "A Lexical Account of Light Verb Constructions in Korean",
  In Susumu Kuno et al. (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics 7, pp.443-457,
  Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company.
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "A Cognitive Approach to English Adverbs", Linguistics 35,
Wataru Nakamura. 1998. "Korean Causatives and a Double Tier Theory of Argument
  Structure", Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Korean
  Linguistics, pp.173-182.
Wataru Nakamura. 1998. "A Typology of Psych Verbs: Evidence from Japanese",
  Proceedings of the 25th Western Conference on Linguistics, pp.117-131.
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "Schema vs. Prototype: An Integrated Approach to
  Transitivity", Journal of Asian and African Studies 57, pp.11-32. Tokyo: Tokyo
  University of Foreign Studies [東京外国語大学].
Wataru Nakamura. 1999.「非能格自動詞と日本語における使役化」『言語研究』116,
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the Japanese Case
  System", Studies in Language 23, pp.607-660.
Wataru Nakamura. 1999.「格理論と含意的普遍性」Proceedings of the 23rd Annual
  Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society, pp.52-62.
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "An Entailment-Based Account of "Possessor Raising"
  Constructions", In Susumu Kuno et al. (eds.), Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics
  8, pp.502-516. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company
Wataru Nakamura. 2000. "Formalizing Functionalism: A Schematization-Based Linking
  Theory", English Linguistics 17:2, pp.539-573 (日本英語学会)
Wataru Nakamura. 2000. "Another Look at "Possessor Raising"", Proceedings of the
  Western Conference on Linguistics 1999, pp.322-333.
  ダルネットによるモデル化」『情報処理学会研究報告』(2003-NL. 156), pp.23-29.
Kazuhiro Mogi, Wataru Nakamura, and Shigeru Sato. 2003. "Interpretation of zero pronouns
  in Japanese discourse in a computational model of centering", Proceedings of the 2nd
  Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics, pp.322-333.
中村渉. 2004.「デフォルト格と汎用格」,『対照言語学の新展開』 (佐藤滋・堀江薫・中村渉編),
  pp.435-455, 東京:ひつじ書房
Jargalmaa Shuger & Wataru Nakamura. 2004. "The Use of Particles by JFL Learners in
  Mongolia", Proceedings of an International Symposium on Learner Corpora in Asia,
冨並美希・中村渉. 2004.「日本語の終助詞習得に関する横断的研究」『言語科学会第6回年次
  国際大会論文集』, pp.187-192.
  集』, pp.440-443.
  啓、佐藤滋、川島隆太. 2004.「日英語における受動文理解に関わる脳活動領域の研究:
  No.170, pp.25-30.


中村渉. 1989.「ケネス・バークとミハイル・バフチン」第9回日本記号学会(筑波大学)
中村渉. 1990. "A Conceptual Approach to Adverbs". 第9回日本英語学会(同志社大学)
中村渉. 1991. "A Cognitive Approach to Negative Polarity". 第104回日本言語学会(神田
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "A Constrant-Based Approach to Japanese Case Marking".
  The 69th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Socoety of America (New Orleans)
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "A Functional Typology of Case Marking". Functional Approaches
  to Grammar Conference, Role and Reference Grammar (University of New Mexico)
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "A Cognitive Approach to English Adverbs". The 4th International
  Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference (University of New Mexico)
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "Functional Optimality Theory: Evidence from Split Case Systems".
  The 23rd Annual UWM Linguistics Symposium, Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics
  (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee)
Wataru Nakamura. 1995. "A Typology of Psych Verbs: Evidence from Japanese". The 25th
  Western Conference on Linguistics (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada)
Wataru Nakamura. 1996. "Case Alternations in Korean: A Mismatch Resolution". The 70th
  Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (San Diego)
Wataru Nakamura. 1996. "Economy vs. Iconicity: How to Constrain Constraint Ranking".

  The BNC Workshop on Conflicting Constraints (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Wataru Nakamura. 1996. "'Case Spreading/Stacking' in Korean". The 1st LFG Conference
  (Grenoble, France)
Wataru Nakamura. 1996. "A Tier-Based Theory of Case Alternations: Evidence from Korean."
  The TACL Summer Institute of Linguistics(大妻女子大学)
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "A Lexical Approach to "Possessor Raising" Constructions in
  Korean". The 7th Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (Harvard
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "Interpreting Case Hierarchy: An RRG-OT Typology of Case
  Systems". The 3rd Meeting of Transitivity and Ergativity/Accusativity in Syntactic
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "Schema vs. Prototype: An Integrated Approach to Transitivity".
  An International Workshop on Language Contact(東京外国語大学)
Wataru Nakamura. 1997. "On the Argument Structure of Inalienable Possession
  Constructions". Conference on External Possession and Noun Incorporation (University
  of Oregon)
中村渉. 1998. "Unergative Predicates and Causativization: The Case of Japanese".
Wataru Nakamura. 1998. "Causative Constructions and a Double-Tier Theory of Argument
  Structure". The 4th Meeting of Transitivity and Ergativity/Accusativity in Syntactic
中村渉. 1998. "Deriving Morphological Cases: Typological and Diachronic Considerations".
中村渉. 1998.「機能主義的最適性理論」第16回日本英語学会ワークショップ「機能主義的
Wataru Nakamura. 1998. "Korean Causatives and a Double-Tier Theory of Argument
  Structure". The 11th International Conference on Korean Linguistics (University of
  Hawaii at Manoa)
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "An Entailment-Based Account of "Possessor Raising”
  Constructions". The 8th Harvard International Conference on Korean Linguistics
  (Harvard University)
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "Deriving Morphological Cases: Markedness Considerations".
  The 34th Colloquium of Linguistics (University of Mainz, Germany)
Wataru Nakamura. 1999. "Another Look at “Possessor Raising" in Korean". The Western
  Conference on Linguistics 1999 (University of Texas at El Paso)
Wataru Nakamura. 2000. "Markedness, Syncretism, and Case Theory". International
  Conference on Cognitive Typology (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
崎田洋一 ・中村渉・西野哲朗.2003.「幼児の言語獲得における「動詞-島」段階のニューロイダル
Kazuhiro Mogi, Wataru Nakamura, and Shigeru Sato. 2003. "Interpretation of zero pronouns
  in Japanese discourse in a computational model of centering". The 2nd Seoul International
  Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics (Korean University, Republic of Korea)
S. Yokoyama, W. Nakamura, J. Watanabe, Y. Sassa, K. Iwata, Y. Akitsuki, N. Miura, H. Jeong,
  N. Ikuta, J. Riera, N. Usui, M. Taira, S. Sato, K. Horie, and R. Kawashima. 2004.
  "An Event-Related fMRI Study of How Active and Passive Sentences Are Comprehended
  in Japanese". The 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping
  (Budapest, Hungary)
S. Yokoyama, J. Watanabe, K. Iwata, Y. Sassa, N. Miura, H. Jeong, N. Ikuta, Y. Akitsuki,
  H. Okamoto, T. Haji, N. Usui, M. Taira, W. Nakamura, K. Horie, and R. Kawashima. 2004.
  "Comprehension of Passive Sentences in Japanese: An fMRI Study". The 4th International
  Forum on Language, Brain, and Cognition: Cognition, Brain, and Typology: Towards a
  隆太. 2004.「受動文の理解における脳内での処理の負荷.」言語処理学会第10回年次大会
  佐藤滋、川島隆太. 2004.「日英語における受動文理解に関わる脳活動領域の研究:日本語
  川島隆太. 2004.「第一言語・第二言語の理解に関わる脳活動領域の特定」第27回日本神経
冨並美希・中村渉. 2004.「日本語の終助詞習得に関する横断的研究」言語科学会第6回年次国際
赤間由里香・中村渉. 2004.「日本語格助詞「の」の習得過程の研究−中国語母語話者と英語母語
  話者の比較を通じて」言語科学会第6回年次国際大会 [ポスター発表](愛知淑徳大学)
